What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a comprehensive healing system from Asia that is at least 3, 000 years old. Acupuncture works with the energy, or Qi that flows through the body’s skin, muscles and organs along pathways called meridians. By stimulating specific points of the meridians, acupuncture directs energy throughout the body’s networks and unblocks the obstructions that cause pain and disharmony. Acupuncture therapies encourage the body to restore its own equilibrium and it is one of the safest medical procedures in the world.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture uses very fine needles approximately the size of a human hair to engage the meridians. As they are gently manipulated, patients typically feel a dull ache, tingling or heaviness in the area or along the meridian. These sensations are attributed to the arrival of Qi and signal the beginning of the healing process. Although each individual will experience acupuncture differently, common responses are a feeling of renewed energy and deep relaxation.
What Does Acupuncture Treat?
Modern research and International Health Organizations agree that acupuncture is a
safe and highly effective treatment for many conditions including but not limited to:
Pain due to any causes: Back, Neck, Shoulder Knee, Hands, Feet and Joints Pain, Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, Golf Elbow, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Headaches, Migraine, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, PMS, Sciatica, Trigeminal Neuralgia…
Digestive Disorders: Food Allergies, Peptic Ulcers, Nausea, Acid-Reflux, Hiccough, Morning Sickness, Vomiting, Colitis, Chronic Diarrhea, Constipation, Indigestion, Gastrointestinal Weakness, Anorexia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis…
Respiratory Disorder: Pneumonia, Chronic respiratory condition – Emphysema, Sinusitis, Asthma, Bronchitis as well as Common cold, Flu and Seasonal Affective Disorder…
Reproductive Issues: Irregular, heavy or painful Menstruation, Premenstrual Syndrome, Infertility in women and men, UTI, Menopausal Symptoms and Sexual Dysfunctions…
Circulatory Problems: Hypertension, Hypotension, Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Palpitation, Edema, and Anemia…
Emotional Issues: Manic-Depression Disorder, Depression, Epilepsy, Insomnia and Anxiety…
Addictions: Alcohol, Nicotine and Drugs, Smoking Cessation…
Supportive Therapy: PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder), Post Stroke Rehabilitation, Facial palsy/tics, Wiry mouth, Twitching of Eyes, Tinnitus, Reduced Hearing, Fatigue, General Weakness, Muscle Spasm, Weight Loss and side effect from Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy…
Are there different Styles and Modalities?
Many distinct styles of acupuncture have developed in various Countries around the world. A few examples of diversity of Acupuncture styles are TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Japanese, Korean, Classical Five Elements and Acupuncture Physical Medicine from the United States.
Needles and Electro- stimulation: A small current is passed through the needles to stimulate the flow of Qi in the meridians.
TuiNa: A form of Chinese therapeutic massage which utilizes the meridians to harmonize Qi flow.
GuaSha: In cases of the common cold or muscular pain, wither cupping or GuaSha may be used to support the healing process, GuaSha is performed by rubbing the skin with smooth surface of a coin, ceramic spoon or lid in areas where stuck or stagnated blood is found to reside. Small red dots or petechiae come to the surface. The result is healthy circulation of the blood and an improvement of symptoms that are usually felt immediately.
Cupping: uses glass, plastic or bamboo cups that suction when placed upon the patient’s body. The technique may temporarily leaves round red marks on the skin. Typically
the marks will clear within a few days. Similar to the technique of GuaSha, Cupping can be used for many conditions including muscular pain and the common cold.
Moxibustion: is the use of the medicinal herb Mugwort (Artmesia Vulgris) to warm and nourish the body. The herb is burned above the ski, placed on top of an acupuncture needle or applied directly to the skin, creating a sensation of warmth that is commonly found to be relaxing and calming.
Herbs: Chinese Herbalism is a comprehensive form of medicine that can effectively address a wide variety of conditions. The use of Chinese herbs has a long clinical history of well-trained herbal practitioner; Chinese medicine herbs decoctions generally are bad in taste but very effective and safe. There are also pills, powders or capsules made of natural herbs which are convenient to take. I will advise you what would be the best for you at the initial visit.
How much it cost for acupuncture treatment?
It costs $100 for the initial visit, and $70 for each follow up treatment and the payment is due at the time of treatment. Other modalities may cost vary which will be explained before the proceeding.
How long it takes for each treatment?
It takes about 60 minutes for the initial visit and 30 to 45 minutes for the follow up treatment secession each.
How many treatments it usually takes to resolve a particular condition?
It varies depends on individual condition.
* For acute onset pain on lower back, neck or shoulder for example, it may takes only one time to treat it.
* For long-term problem or chronic pain, it may take 3 to 5 treatments or even more. But you will feel immediate improvement or relieved pain right after the treatment.
* Some situation may require taking herbs along with the acupuncture-treatment, the herb costs not included.
For Post-Stroke Rehab patients, it may take twice a week for 3 to 6 months to recover.